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Exposing the criminal element for 3 years

Odds and Ends


A citizen has started an account to send 5 year old Tyreik Gadsden to Disney when he gets a break in the extensive medical treatment necessary after he was paralyzed in a thug shootout in Charleston. We are told the citizen who kicked off the effort is one of those evil police officers you keep hearing about in your local “news” coverage. Go help them out if you can. Yet another innocent caught up in the violent games hoodrats play.






There have been no arrests in the shooting. We do find it sad that police are said to be getting more tips on the crime of taping a dog’s muzzle shut than they are about who shot Tyriek.

A crime against a dog gets more attention and more tips than the still unsolved murder of Ariel Morgan last June in Berkeley County? Approximately 800 witnesses and no one will talk. Berkeley County Council has declared June 7th “Princess Ariel Morgan” day in an effort to help Morgan’s mother keep the case in the public eye.







Someone knows the truth about the those two cases. Just like someone knows the truth about candidate for Berkeley County Sheriff Duane Lewis. After basing his campaign on his “college degree” it was discovered he does not actually have one. All he seems to have is a piece of paper from an unaccredited “school” shut down by government lawsuits for selling “diplomas”. No actual course work was involved.

It seems concerned voters have found a few other discrepancies, too. Lewis claimed on his campaign sites he graduated from Goose Creek High School. On his campaign documents he claims he graduated on May 30th, 1983. The first problem with that claim is that May 30th, 1983 was Memorial Day. Not many schools hold a graduation ceremony on the third day of a three day weekend. The second problem with that claim is the fact Lewis dropped out of GCHS. We suppose it looks better to say he graduated from GCHS on a made up date rather than tell folks you dropped out and got a GED. Either way, he certainly did not graduate from GCHS on May 30th, 1983.

Strangely enough, when another candidate missed that particular blank on his application the Berkeley County Republican Party called an emergency meeting in an attempt to throw him off the ballot. Here we have an outright lie - and no emergency meeting as of yet. Don’t look for one since the powers that be in the BCRP have indicated they will support their lying candidate no matter what. Even state level politicians like Larry Grooms agree with and support the skullduggery.







Lewis also claimed during the campaign to be born and raised in Berkeley County. It seems that little entry in the document above indicating he was born in Conway was not taken into consideration when he was lying to the voters. Is there anything at all Duane Lewis has been honest about? Not a lot.








Now that citizens are investigating they are turning up more alleged false claims. Lewis claims he graduated from the FBI Command College, but others are alleging he only attended a couple of seminars anyone could have attended had they paid the fee to do so. Also called into question is Lewis’ claim to have 30 years (later changed to “over 30 years”) of law enforcement experience on his page. Turns out that is not accurate either, but when you tell so many lies who can blame you for rounding up?


Take a look at Lewis’ Facebook page from before and after the revelations.







He left the lie about being born and raised in Berkeley County on his page, but deleted all of the other ones. Lewis’ claim to bring honesty and integrity back to the BCSO is apparently the biggest fraud he has perpetrated on voters.

The leadership of the Berkeley County Republican is in a panic over this citizen uprising. Chairman Tim Callanan, another good ol’ boy given a cushy government job and taxpayer funded breaks got a bit strident with Kelly Golden at 94.3 WSC Radio a while back.

Callanan, of course, isn’t too smart and was having his own personal financial issues when good ol’ boy Peagler gave him a high paying job in Berkeley County government that included handling taxpayer funds. Callanan makes a number of claims and says he is “required by law” to take legal action against Brian Adams because his mommy is participating in the citizens’ effort to mount a write-in campaign. Callanan accuses Adams of pretending to be his mommy on Facebook. Strangely enough, Callanan doesn’t seem to be “required by law” to take legal action against the candidate with actual lies and falsehoods on his campaign documents or in his campaign materials.

Callanan further states the write-in effort is nothing more than an attempt to give the win to the Democrat. A common tactic designed to instill fear and panic in the party’s base. Giving he win to the Democrat would be rather difficult due to a number of considerations. First and foremost, the Democrat “candidate” is black and we all know that won’t get you elected in Berkeley County. Second, the Democrat “candidate” has failed to even mount a campaign. We constantly get emails here at CTL asking “who is the Democrat candidate for sheriff?” No one seems to know.

Callanan also fails to acknowledge that quite a few of those who are voicing concerns about the lies of Lewis are people who actually voted for him.

Party apparatchik Terry Hardesty claims there is a smear campaign against Duane Lewis. We contend it is rather hard to smear a guy who has repeatedly told lies to the voters. Hardesty also wants to take legal action against voters in his own party who are fed up with the lies and the good ol’ boy system. Those Berkeley County skeletons have to stay buried at all costs.

Callanan and Hardesty then resort to the fall back defense of, “Well, if he did lie it doesn’t matter because a college degree is not necessary to be sheriff.” Now do you see why voter turn-out gets lower with each election? The grand poobahs of the parties do what they hell they want, then attack voters for calling them out on it.

The BCRP threw their support to Lewis early on and even sent an errand boy to FITSNEWS during the campaign with an allegation against Adams which he categorically denies. The website later seemed to retract their article, then doubled down it when citizens pointed out the back-pedaling. At least three Berkeley County Republicans have informed us Callanan is tied to one of of the proprietors of that website through Larry Grooms.


It is activity like this that keeps voters apathetic and away from the polls. That is exactly how the party “elite” maintain their power and keep their chosen candidates in office. Maybe the BCRP didn’t realize early on that Lewis had lied about a variety of things. Once they found out, they apparently felt they had no choice but to circle the wagons to protect their boy and go on the offensive against the concerned members of their own party. We doubt that, however. Lewis was handpicked by the former drunken sheriff Wayne DeWitt, who campaigned for him, and the Berkeley County “elite”, who squired him around the county and protected him and they would do anything, cover any lie to get their guy in that critical office. As we have said before, there a lot of skeletons out there kept buried by the former sheriff. In order to keep them buried the “elites” need to have another candidate willing to bend to their will, even if that includes lying and covering things up like DeWitt did. It seems they found the perfect candidate in Duane Lewis.


We will close with the issue of Caitlyn, the abused dog. She was found with electrical tape tight around her muzzle.






In the initial reporting of the story we all told the dog was a “well known stray” in the Chicora-Cherokee neighborhood of North Charleston. She looks rather well fed to be a stray. A few days into the story we are told the “former” owner sold the dog to a stranger for $10 on Memorial Day and has no idea who it was. Is anyone actually buying that? The one thing about neighborhoods like Chicora-Cherokee is very few strangers come bopping through looking to buy dogs. If you live there you might not know everyone’s name, but you have seen the around and usually know where to find them.

Next we have the “former owner” telling a reporter he had to sell the dog because she was tearing up his apartment. Interesting. We suppose it would be rather difficult for a dog to continue tearing up an apartment if it’s muzzle was taped shut. We aren’t yet ready to say the “former owner” is telling a fib, but the story he is telling is about as solid as the one Duane Lewis has been telling about his own honesty and integrity. So, which is it - was the dog or a well known stray or was she kept in an apartment?

We are waiting to see what comes of this investigation. In the meantime, throw some support to the folks at the Charleston Animal Society. After all, cruelty to animals can get you more time in jail than cruelty to children and animal victims of piece of crap humans obviously stir up more interest and anonymous tips than young women or five year old children who have been gunned down.






  1. Just like someone knows the truth about my son’s murder!

    #findkevinskiller #justiceforKevin

  2. #findkevinskiller #justiceforKevin

  3. Reward for information leading to the arrest of an offender for attempting to murder an officer by shooting him in the head-$12,000

    Reward for injuring a dog-$6,000.

    Makes sense in today’s world I guess.

    This isn’t an indictment against a reward for getting the person (a.k.a former owner) who hurt the dog, but rather the paltry reward for the attempted murder of an officer

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