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Exposing the criminal element for 3 years

Bits and Pieces - July 7th


After a brief respite from violence which ended before the last of the Emanuel 9 was even buried our local criminal element has started dropping bodies again.

An as yet unnamed 14 year old has been charged with murder after shooting Gerrod Theopolus Metoyer in the head early on the morning of June 30th at Ashley Phosphate Road and Dorchester Manor Boulevard.

16 year old Deomontae Wallace, aka “Dee SwellUp“, has been charged with shooting an eight year old kid in Charleston early Sunday morning. The P&C, always loathe to call gang violence what it is, has labeled the incident a “fight between rival rap groups”. Uh-huh, sure. Other than the family of the wounded eight year old, no one really seems to care much. Visit Wallace’s Thugbook page to see even more messages to free him.



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A shooting in West Ashley early Tuesday resulted in the death of Demeatrius Smalls. Smalls supposedly met with some other black males behind a house, presumably to conduct a drug deal, when he was shot to death. As is usually the case, Smalls is a serial offender and was on probation at the time of his death. Let’s dig through his Charleston County history.




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2005 Charges:

2nd Degree Lynching - Dismissed by the 9th Circuit Solicitor.




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2006 Charges:

Unlawful Possession of a Pistol - Dismissed by the 9th Circuit Solicitor.

Unlawful Possession of a Pistol Under 21 YOA - Dismissed by the 9th Circuit Solicitor.

Unlawful Carrying of a Firearm - Dismissed at preliminary hearing when the officer failed to appear.

Possession of a Stolen Firearm - Dismissed at preliminary hearing when the officer failed to appear.





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2010 Charges:

Habitual Traffic Offender - Plead guilty. Sentenced by Judge Thomas “Felon’s Friend” Hughston to 5 years, suspended in favor of 2 year and 2 years probation.

Possession of Cocaine - Plead guilty. Sentenced to 2 years.

Note: These charges were combined into a plea deal with charges from 2011.





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2011 Charges:

Failure to Stop for Blue Lights - Plead guilty. Sentenced to 2 years, concurrent, of course.

Habitual Traffic Offender - Dismissed by the 9th Circuit Solicitor.

PWID Cocaine - Reduced to Possession of Cocaine by the 9th Circuit Solicitor. Sentenced to 2 years, concurrent.

PWID Marijuana - Dismissed by the 9th Circuit Solicitor.





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Smalls was sentenced on the above charges on January 26th, 2012. On January 27th he was charged with Obstruction of Justice in the murder of Kentrell Samuel who was found dead in a driveway on San Miguel Road. Samuel died of a gunshot wound. In April of 2012 Smalls was indicted on a charge of Murder.

The 9th Circuit Solicitor dismissed both of those charges in June of 2014.





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In addition to being on probation at the time of his death Smalls was also free on a $10,000 personal recognizance bond for yet another Habitual Traffic Offender charge from September 2014.






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You can rest secure in the knowledge that once that flag comes down in Columbia all of this violence will cease.


In other news, the folks at BCSO have been trying to keep a low profile since the election.

As you know, Duane Lewis was recently elected sheriff of the county. He immediately fired and demoted a bunch of folks and that irritated some of his supporters. Lewis fired four black deputies former drunken sheriff DeWitt had made him promise to protect in exchange for DeWitt chaperoning Lewis around the black churches during the election. The firing of those four angered DeWitt who has reportedly pulled all further support from Lewis, reportedly telling Lewis to never contact him again. Apparently Lewis decided he didn’t need DeWitt anymore.

Lewis, who managed a bunch of security guards at Santee Cooper, actually knows less about modern law enforcement than a six month rookie. This was evidenced during a recent traffic stop when one of his recently promoted majors had to tell him what to do and what to say on the radio. It was said to be a very embarrassing situation. Fortunately, no one actually expects a sheriff to work the street in Berkeley County. They are expected to work the political beat only.

One example of that political beat being worked is the payback being given to CCSO Lt. Dan Isgett for his endosement during the election. Isgett is said to be leaving CCSO this week and heading to BCSO as a newly minted Major. Lewis created that position for his pal. There is more of that to come.

We are told Lewis also created three new captain’s positions. Nothing like adding more weight to a top heavy department that takes two hours to get to a call as it is. There are currently 22 openings for street deputies and we are told Lewis has plans to fire a few more. You folks in Berkeley County need to arm up since it seems obvious you can’t expect the sheriff’s department to actually respond to crime.

One of those demoted after Lewis was sworn in was Democrat candidate Anthony Smalls. We are told he was demoted from sergeant to corporal. We found this surprising because we were told he said he wouldn’t return if he did not win the election. Other deputies might want to be careful around him, though. We are told Smalls recently was overheard threatening to kill any law enforcement officers responding to a recent domestic argument at his home. Those dispatch recordings might make for an interesting FOIA should any news agency take an interest. Thin blue line and all that rot, right? Smalls allegedly fled prior to the arrival of officers. No charges were filed in that incident and information indicates Smalls is still employed at BCSO.

Hate to say we told ya so, but……….




  1. Got to love the same old system, but different sheriff..That is just too funny. Now Isgett who spoke so highly of CCSO, during his debates, is moving to that!!! I can say I believe everyone is shocked, said no one ever!!
    Isgett is a TITLE SEEKER!!!!! We all know that. Everyone who has worked with him knows this.
    Shame on Lewis…well no, just proves he lied again

  2. What do you expect from a security guard with an mail order degree? Not a shock that Isgett’s support was bought and paid for, either. He will fit in quite well over there.

    This is what happens when a political hack is chosen over a real cop.

  3. Once the ANV Battle Flag is remove from the memorial at the Statehouse, you’re right that all this black violence will stop since that was DEFNITELY the cause.

    Finally, we in SC took action to address the root cause.

  4. To the people of Berkeley county…. ( and South Carolina in general …. )
    The definition of “insanity” is “doing the same thing repeatedly, (that means over-n-over for you folks that don’t own a dictionary ) and expect to achieve a different result.”
    Did you real expect anything to be better after you elected this P.O.S ?
    Of course, anything would be an improvement over drunken DeWitt I suppose.
    Sixty years of being from and living in the South has taught me NOT to let the fox guard the hen house. You folks in BC are either blind, stupid or crazy….perhaps all three, to have voted this “gentlemen” as your sheriff.

  5. Black thug racists beat white man. Lock Em Up.

  6. Duane Lewis didn’t win the election. Old man cox from Hanahan walking Lewis door to door in Hanahan got him all of Hanahan and Dewitt pulling votes from the northern part and goose creek area won the election for Lewis Plus all the shit talking coming from Adams supporters cost him support in the runoff. I just wonder how Lewis got the support of other candidates from outside of Berkeley county when all they did was blasted the sheriffs office at all the debates. Isgett will be the most hated man at the BCSO.

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