North Carolina MOTY
A reader alerted us to a Mother of the Year 2015 candidate from the Cherokee, North Carolina Area.
You know how you see all those links on social media pointing you to awful pictures, like a mother taking a nudie shot in the bathroom mirror getting photo-bombed by her toddler? This one is kind of like that, only the baby is in the belly and is getting bombed on narcotics.
Now, normally we would say this is just a proud mother showing off the baby-to-be. If you look closer you will first note the tight band around her upper left arm. An examination of the small table to the left of the photo reveals a syringe. Okay, well maybe the mother-to-be is a diabetic. No, we don’t think so. We don’t know too many diabetics, actually we don’t know any, who cook up their insulin in a spoon.
What makes this even worse is that Natasha Kirkland, aka “Natosha Kirkland” (2nd Facebook page HERE) already has a couple of kids. You will notice on the first Facebook page Kirkland chose to use the above photo as her cover photo.
When the photo was first posted on 16 February, 2015 note that only one of her friends seemed shocked. The other two who commented thought it was great and 18 people liked the photo.
The photo has been shared 32 times since it was posted, mostly by people who don’t know Kirkland who were demanding authorities intervene.
We are happy to report Kirkland has been in the Jackson County (NC) Jail since 19 February on a variety of traffic and theft charges from Swain and Jackson counties. She has quite a history of theft, as do a lot of meth/heroin addicts.
While we were writing this article we were notified that additional charges against Kirkland are forthcoming and are the result of citizens complaining to law enforcement about the above photo.
Nice job!
Add another charge to the train wreck you showcase here…
My Thanks to Chief and the other contributors here on this site. I have been reading it weekly since DRT at the beach last year and I have found so many parallels in the Wilmington NC area to the thugliness in the low country that it almost makes me pass on the grits. Keep calling them out and, God Bless, the right from those who are just plain wrong.
That link won’t come up.
She is a crack head mother fucker who don’t care about that wee baby I take insulin for the last 20 and years and never had to put anything on my arms hope the baby is removed out of her care after birth
So is this stating that this Mother is not even being charged for the harming of an unborn baby? Jw? What is wrong with the laws that awoman can get her baby high as she wants to, so does that apply after its born as well? Is she going to be able to bring the baby home and shoot drugs into its arm? Because idont see any difference between the two. Not to mention that this girl is going to in fact get away with this behavior? N wow, Every one “WONDERS WTH IS WRONG WORN THESE NEXT GENERATIONS”? Fact is that government doesn’t make any laws against these that they stick with? This is the sickest thing on social media I have viewed with in the past us. Its sooo damn disturbing. These types of monsters should not be allowed to continue to walk the streets. Poor Lil baby, between the mother n father n the looks of other family members they all appear to be mad up. Smh, hope that they slap some charges on her for this. This bs has gotten to stop. Cuffs is been going on for many us, the government should be ashamed of themselves
I’m hoping they help that poor drug addicted unborn Baby fucking Crazy bitch like why would you do some Shit like that if she wanted to be a junkie she could at least prevented pregnancy or waited til she had the kid I’m sure that the baby will be taken from her for neglect due to the carelessness of posting photos like this
Maybe you should learn how to spell and use grammar before you go on a bitch rant next time. Dumbass.
So I looked at her and her husband’s facebook pages, whoever he is to her. He is a foul mouthed disgusting cretin, he has children and he posts pornographic language and not a single mention of any type of job or meaningful activity to support those kids and be a REAL man. Never once did I see a single mention of any employment or education. She claims her kidneys shut down-that is what meth does, it kills the organs in the body, along with eating holes in the brain. She looks mildly retarded as well. These people are doomed, and the children, which they flaunt as if they care about them, are hopefully being placed in loving wholesome homes where they can recover physically from what they have been put through. The photo of the baby boy, 15 minutes after birth, hooked up to various medical apparatus, is heartbreaking. The babies must go through withdrawal, can’t imagine the agony for the infant to have to be born addicted to toxic chemicals and then have to suffer with all of the medical intervention. It is a living hell, a nightmare these people choose to live. The people profiled on CTL are completely unaware of privacy settings on facebook, it blows my mind that they give the police and social services all the evidence they need to build a case and prosecute. She needs to have her tubes tied or be given mandatory birth control, so no more babies are subjected to her willful child abuse.
Try this one, If not, the second link shows the Ice Princes’s pending charges.
That worked! Thanks.
I’m very happy to say that 5 of my friends and I, are just a few of the people that reported her to DSS and Cherokee police!!! To bad I wasn’t a friend of hers on Facebook. I would have left one hellatious comment on that picture!! Thank you SO much for making people in NCAA look like a bunch of Lowlife, shitty, and shady druggies, Natasha Kirkland!! I really appreciate that, you sorry ass druggie! You don’t deserve to be a mother. I hope for the sake of your children that you are never allowed to see them again! People from all over will be having a field day with the link to your profile! Enjoy the hate mail♡
I made the mistake of renting to her and her boyfriend over a year ago in Cherokee NC. They trashed the house and stuck me for 6 months rent. We found dirty needles, bottles of pills, and drug paraphernalia all over the house as well as needles on the floor in the kids room. There was dirty needles lying all over the yard and property. We had to have Cherokee Police come to the house 3 times to remove what we found, because we just kept finding more. It scares me to think that we didn’t get all the dirty needles off the property and someone could accidentally step on one. At the time she had 2 kids and was pregnant with her 3rd. The kids were placed with their grandmother for awhile but then the parents got them back.
Anna i hope you have YOUR kids taken and never get to see them again they would be happier. I’m sure they hate you or would hate you.
I’m very happy to say that 5 of my friends and I, are just a few of the people that reported her to DSS and Cherokee police!!! To bad I wasn’t a friend of hers on Facebook. I would have left one hellatious comment on that picture!! Thank you SO much for making people in NC look like a bunch of Lowlife, shitty, and shady druggies, Natasha Kirkland!! I really appreciate that, you sorry ass druggie! You don’t deserve to be a mother. I hope for the sake of your children that you are never allowed to see them again! People from all over will be having a field day with the link to your profile! Enjoy the hate mail♡
I do not beleve in wat she did wat so ever that begin said I think its discusting hw everyone’s puttin her down she has a addiction n she needs help so she can b the parent her kids really deserve but even tho she messed up it should not b perminate if she actually gets the help she needs b STAYS sober
What does this even say?
Misty, please go back to school and learn how to write sentences that make sense. You wrote nothing but gibberish.
What about the father of the kids? Any info on him? I found his FB page yesterday but can’t today. He sounds like an upstanding citizen especially after reading some of his posts.
She doesn’t know who the father of this baby even is, she’s telling 3 different guys that it’s their baby..
I have another photo of this piece of trash. How do I post it? I willingly took the above photo up on my own and shared it to my Facebook and asked for it to be shared so justice can be done I was glad people actually started sharing the whole thing and not being afraid too, dss won’t do anything until the baby is born I find that disturbing because the baby doesn’t deserve any of this.
You can send it [email protected] and we will put it up.
Did you ever get the other photo? Link?
We have not received another photo.
How do you get vinelink to pull up like that? When I do it for some reason it doesn’t show as much information like pending charges and such
Looks like in 2010 when son was born it was under the same circumstances
I think this is crazy she shouldn’t be allowed to have any more kids she can hurt I get that she has an addiction but there is help out there she just don’t want it and them babies she has don’t deserve that shit they didn’t ask to be brought in to this world she should be ashamed of her self she needs more help then just her addiction. She makes other people looks bad I’m glad she is sitting in jail maybe that baby will have some what of a chance to be normal and not be messed up.I’m glad this has been brought to everyone’s attention it needed to be. What people do for drugs ITS CRAZY
She needs help, yes, that’s a given. But not so she can be a mom. There should be no second chances when it comes to kids. I hope they get taken from her & can find a safe, happy home. She’s trash.
Why come all the crackaz on that page try to talk like they are black?!?… THAT’S RACIST!!! Not only should they aspire to be better than the failed black urban subculture, they should just try to be themselves. When most white people try to ‘talk black’ it just comes out sounding “trailer-park”, especially in the south-eastern states…
Ebola you sound extremely stupid…”why come” lol oh and white people who talk with ghetto slang is not racist you imbusile.
When I first started working at Dennys here in pa there was a girl who worked with us she was pregnant and on methadone you ask how can she get away with drugging her baby while she is pregnant this is why because our government feels it’s perfectly ok to give a druggie legal so to say drugs while being pregnant why not street drugs it’s sick and this girl had five kids all of which were taken from her!!! It’s sad the world we live in!