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Exposing the criminal element for 3 years



Wow, are we psychic or what? Yesterday we addressed the recent meeting of the NAACP where two or three people stood up and made unsubstantiated claims about local police and one old while liberal gave them money. In the process, we advised Ramon Caraballo to take care of that failure to appear on a DNR ticket before he got racially profiled by cops looking to serve that warrant. While surfing through the inmates at the Al Cannon Detention Center this evening, we found Ramon had, indeed, been picked up on that warrant. Or maybe he turned himself in after we revealed the warrant.



  1. Hmmmm….how coincidental is that? It sure is timely. If I volunteered to do the “footwork” on outstanding warrants in Berkeley County, would you publish it and not hold it against me? (LOL) You guys do some serious research and not enough recognition. We need to have an awards night. But since CTL would be the only ones there who deserve such awards…. ah hmmmm…we would have to close the building and party down. Great job as always CTL.

    • Join the discusHa ha ha it me Ramon this was not an instance of racial profiling. I was in the wrong I just wish you guys would have let me know I thought I forgot about the ticket it was over a black sea bass that I caught last year. I didnt turn myself in because I forgot about it I was in a wreck and taken to jail and the wreck wasn’t my fault but I took the ride and paid my ticket . But you know what makes this report great is that you further proves you are a bigot or the parties responsible for this website are bigots the only reason why you dug into my background to smear me was because I appeared creditable upstanding and fulfilled my civic duty with military service so you dug and you dug till you found this over a black sea bass well keep up the good work spewing hate !!! The arresting officer was a good officer Hartung !!! maybe we can get together and figure out how this page can be put to good civic use since you seem like you operate operate in some type of LEO capacity!!!sion…

    • Black sea bass wow real thug life Ramon lmao I’ve known Ramon for years and he’s serving for this country and he’s on the thug life for a black sea bass? Wow real thug life huh? Why won’t yall stick to the drugs and murders and let my man serve this country and catch some fish lmao.

    • No, he’s on here because he made unsubstantiated racist statements about his interactions with police. We pointed out the violations of law he engaged in which precipitated those contacts.

  2. Hmmmm….how coincidental is that? It sure is timely. If I volunteered to do the “footwork” on outstanding warrants in Berkeley County, would you publish it and not hold it against me? (LOL) You guys do some serious research and not enough recognition. We need to have an awards night. But since CTL would be the only ones there who deserve such awards…. ah hmmmm…we would have to close the building and party down. Great job as always CTL.

    • Join the discusHa ha ha it me Ramon this was not an instance of racial profiling. I was in the wrong I just wish you guys would have let me know I thought I forgot about the ticket it was over a black sea bass that I caught last year. I didnt turn myself in because I forgot about it I was in a wreck and taken to jail and the wreck wasn’t my fault but I took the ride and paid my ticket . But you know what makes this report great is that you further proves you are a bigot or the parties responsible for this website are bigots the only reason why you dug into my background to smear me was because I appeared creditable upstanding and fulfilled my civic duty with military service so you dug and you dug till you found this over a black sea bass well keep up the good work spewing hate !!! The arresting officer was a good officer Hartung !!! maybe we can get together and figure out how this page can be put to good civic use since you seem like you operate operate in some type of LEO capacity!!!sion…

    • Black sea bass wow real thug life Ramon lmao I’ve known Ramon for years and he’s serving for this country and he’s on the thug life for a black sea bass? Wow real thug life huh? Why won’t yall stick to the drugs and murders and let my man serve this country and catch some fish lmao.

    • No, he’s on here because he made unsubstantiated racist statements about his interactions with police. We pointed out the violations of law he engaged in which precipitated those contacts.

  3. Y’all are some racist pigs. Times are a’ changin, though, fellas. You picked the wrong dude this time. You singled out a decent man for this race baiting garbage. A veteran. A smart young man with politically active friends. It might not be today. It might not be this week. But the time will come where y’all will pay for your public bigotry.

    • Actually, Ramon singled himself out with his own race-baiting statements. All we did was point out those prior drug arrests and resisting arrest charges that might have a little something to do with why is he approached by police. You can’t live that life, then bitch when it draws the attention you were asking for. Prior service to the country is great, but just as in the case of former POW John McCain, it doesn’t excuse you from being stupid.

    • The only bigot here is you, asshole.

  4. Y’all are some racist pigs. Times are a’ changin, though, fellas. You picked the wrong dude this time. You singled out a decent man for this race baiting garbage. A veteran. A smart young man with politically active friends. It might not be today. It might not be this week. But the time will come where y’all will pay for your public bigotry.

    • Actually, Ramon singled himself out with his own race-baiting statements. All we did was point out those prior drug arrests and resisting arrest charges that might have a little something to do with why is he approached by police. You can’t live that life, then bitch when it draws the attention you were asking for. Prior service to the country is great, but just as in the case of former POW John McCain, it doesn’t excuse you from being stupid.

    • The only bigot here is you, asshole.

  5. Join the discussion… didnt make race baiting comments !!! I said what was true and what happen to me !!! Ill be very transparent with you I made bad choices before i went to the army when i was 18 the resisting arrest was when i was 18 thats and 11 year old charge !!! I got it handled and i went off to the army and served my country honorably!! When i got back from Iraq and out the army i really had a hard time adjusting back to civilian life and i made some choices that got me locked up but all the charges are misdemeanors so idk how im a thug ?!?! And also my man just because a young man makes bad choices doesn’t mean they need to get harassed constantly by Leo’s also it wasn’t like i was some habitual offender and i was on some CPD high value target list so please sir quit painting me out to be something im not !!!and i am not racist i have two biracial children that i love a lot !!! And i get bothered more when im in the vehicle with her but that type of racism is a whole other story oh yeah and by the way im biracial also so how am i a racist ????

    • Okay, so, every time you have been stopped by the cops the sole cause of those stops was the color of your skin or the fact you were with a white woman? Okay, let’s gather some facts to back that up. Give us the names of those officers who stopped you for those reasons and we will have someone file a FOIA with CPD to discover the reasons behind those stops. Seriously, dude, do you know how you racist you sound?

  6. Join the discussion… didnt make race baiting comments !!! I said what was true and what happen to me !!! Ill be very transparent with you I made bad choices before i went to the army when i was 18 the resisting arrest was when i was 18 thats and 11 year old charge !!! I got it handled and i went off to the army and served my country honorably!! When i got back from Iraq and out the army i really had a hard time adjusting back to civilian life and i made some choices that got me locked up but all the charges are misdemeanors so idk how im a thug ?!?! And also my man just because a young man makes bad choices doesn’t mean they need to get harassed constantly by Leo’s also it wasn’t like i was some habitual offender and i was on some CPD high value target list so please sir quit painting me out to be something im not !!!and i am not racist i have two biracial children that i love a lot !!! And i get bothered more when im in the vehicle with her but that type of racism is a whole other story oh yeah and by the way im biracial also so how am i a racist ????

    • Okay, so, every time you have been stopped by the cops the sole cause of those stops was the color of your skin or the fact you were with a white woman? Okay, let’s gather some facts to back that up. Give us the names of those officers who stopped you for those reasons and we will have someone file a FOIA with CPD to discover the reasons behind those stops. Seriously, dude, do you know how you racist you sound?

  7. Look man thats the thing these aren’t traffic stops most of this happened (the police harrassment) on the eastside!! And its nothing more than stop and frisk. They are walking around and they run up on you and ask for id or just pocket check you and then they walk off if they dont find a thing but god for bid you say something in your defense then you run the risk of getting beat up sent to jail or worse!! The police do it to white ppl there also but it’s because they are white walking through the eastside !! And lots of white college kids live there. And yes sir because I am of color and my girlfriend is white yes that is a reason some police single some young black men out especially if its in a minority neighborhood and quite frankly it didn’t stop till we got nicer looking vehicles and we now have a child in the back seat so it has the appearance of normalcy to make you guys breath easy and say oh thats a tame young black man in the car with his family !!! And if you watch the while NAACP conference a white lady got up and spoke about her biracial son being harassed by LEO personnel and a African American male get up as say the same about his experience with the police here and comment about the situation when he has his white wife in the car you see the ppl speaking up aren’t racist we are very moderate. And it is this page that promotes race baiting and makes very inflammatory and racist remarks

    • Have you filed official complaints over these alleged incidents of racial profiling? If not, you can whine and cry about it all day and it will change nothing. Here’s a proposal for you - get video and audio evidence of this alleged racial profiling. You get, we will publish it. Can’t get any better than that, right?

  8. Look man thats the thing these aren’t traffic stops most of this happened (the police harrassment) on the eastside!! And its nothing more than stop and frisk. They are walking around and they run up on you and ask for id or just pocket check you and then they walk off if they dont find a thing but god for bid you say something in your defense then you run the risk of getting beat up sent to jail or worse!! The police do it to white ppl there also but it’s because they are white walking through the eastside !! And lots of white college kids live there. And yes sir because I am of color and my girlfriend is white yes that is a reason some police single some young black men out especially if its in a minority neighborhood and quite frankly it didn’t stop till we got nicer looking vehicles and we now have a child in the back seat so it has the appearance of normalcy to make you guys breath easy and say oh thats a tame young black man in the car with his family !!! And if you watch the while NAACP conference a white lady got up and spoke about her biracial son being harassed by LEO personnel and a African American male get up as say the same about his experience with the police here and comment about the situation when he has his white wife in the car you see the ppl speaking up aren’t racist we are very moderate. And it is this page that promotes race baiting and makes very inflammatory and racist remarks

    • Have you filed official complaints over these alleged incidents of racial profiling? If not, you can whine and cry about it all day and it will change nothing. Here’s a proposal for you - get video and audio evidence of this alleged racial profiling. You get, we will publish it. Can’t get any better than that, right?

  9. Ok Thug life you got a deal I will get a bunch of ppl to send instances of racial profiling to you to publish them on this site but when they get sent in i want to be able to meet you and take a picture with you for everyone to see your little bigot face but i need you in uniform i need all of you in uniform all of you responsible for this page !!!

    • And there you have it folks. Offer to help someone prove their case and what happens? They know they can’t produce evidence to support their claims so they go on the attack and play their little racist games. Point made. We’re done.

    • I said ok main man Ill send them in ill get alot of ppl to send there instances of racial profiling and i just want a pic with you and your co-creators of this lovely web publication and i want the officer exposed and this page shut down because it is very much a racist publication!!!

    • The only refuge of someone who doesn’t have a valid argument is to accuse others of wrongdoing. A common tactic used by liberals who studied Saul Alinsky. You try to project your racism onto us and think if you shout it loud enough and long enough we will be intimidated and go away. Maybe a decade or two ago. People are much smarter now and aren’t buying into that bullshit.

      Once again, you make the typical racist assumption that anyone who things differently than you, or exposes the truth you don’t like, has to be white and racist. Or the police. You keep looking in that direction, though.

      You know, we would expect someone who served honorably in the military to at least understand a few constitutional principles, or at least one or two of the first 10 amendments. Sad. Very sad. Thank you for your service, btw. That comes from folks who have also served. However, as we told your friend over on the FB page, having served in the military doesn’t excuse stupid comments or actions made during the remainder of your life. You will find relying on excuses like “I served in the military” or “I have dark skin” won’t work out too well for you. And we won’t even get into all that Occupy crap you were involved in. Whew!

    • All I can really say to all of this is wow! As a man who served with Ramon in Iraq, I believe I have great insight on his character. No better way to get to know a man then spend 15 months in a war torn environment. Now does Ramon have his flaws? Absolutely. So do I and everyone else. Does his outspoken outlook on life get him into confrontations? Sure. As a man of strong beliefs I think that is naturally bound to happen every so often. However, this website is an absolute profiling machine and feeds the fire of bigots and racists. The right to speak up for injustices as they are spotted has been well earned by Ramon…and this is one of those. While we didn’t always see eye to eye in every case, I’ve never had to question his credibility. If Caraballo says he and his wife have been racially profiled, along with this laughable website to add to it, then its pretty easy to see. One man comes out and admits he isn’t perfect and made/owned up to his mistakes…another group hides behind a computer and web page and smears individuals. Hmmm

    • He might have served, but I seriously doubt he did it “honorably”. I sense a lot of hostility and racism from this person.
      The fact that he keeps bringing up his military background for a puppet show speaks volumes about his character.

    • Thank you for your service to !!! And you know how you said military service wont excuse you for a the dumb thing you say in life you remember that also !!!! Because your day will come main man !!! And dear lord liberal is a real mild term for me and ppl like me you better hope us “liberals” dont get tired of shouting loud and trying to get ppl to see what ppl like you for what they really are because if and when we do act it will be a sad day for ppl like you !!! Because ppl are getting smarter and they really are seeing ppl like you for what they really are and thats a bigot and a fascist and no one is going to stand for that !!!
      And as far as occupy goes it wasn’t stupid it just the start of an awakening of the young ppl in the world ppl like you are going to be irrelevant in a few years Americas turn to clean house is coming just like you see it happening all over the world and the great part about it is is that ppl like you will be the first to go so yeah I guess practice hiding because you are going to be doing a lot of it

    • Yeah, because your socialist views have proven to be so successful in governments all around the world. You are correct - people are getting smarter, which is why they are no longer intimidated by the socialist and racist tactics you folks employ. Ask Dot Scott how that’s working out for her these days.

      Are there actual instances of racism? Sure there are. Unfortunately, when you cry racism for every single thing you quickly fade into irrelevancy because people stop listening. As a result, those legitimate cases of racism fall by the wayside.

      It is curious how “liberals” keep threatening revolution. No wonder they want to change the Constitution and take away the right of citizens to protect themselves. We have a strange feeling when the revolution starts it won’t turn out well for those folks.

  10. Ok Thug life you got a deal I will get a bunch of ppl to send instances of racial profiling to you to publish them on this site but when they get sent in i want to be able to meet you and take a picture with you for everyone to see your little bigot face but i need you in uniform i need all of you in uniform all of you responsible for this page !!!

    • And there you have it folks. Offer to help someone prove their case and what happens? They know they can’t produce evidence to support their claims so they go on the attack and play their little racist games. Point made. We’re done.

    • I said ok main man Ill send them in ill get alot of ppl to send there instances of racial profiling and i just want a pic with you and your co-creators of this lovely web publication and i want the officer exposed and this page shut down because it is very much a racist publication!!!

    • The only refuge of someone who doesn’t have a valid argument is to accuse others of wrongdoing. A common tactic used by liberals who studied Saul Alinsky. You try to project your racism onto us and think if you shout it loud enough and long enough we will be intimidated and go away. Maybe a decade or two ago. People are much smarter now and aren’t buying into that bullshit.

      Once again, you make the typical racist assumption that anyone who things differently than you, or exposes the truth you don’t like, has to be white and racist. Or the police. You keep looking in that direction, though.

      You know, we would expect someone who served honorably in the military to at least understand a few constitutional principles, or at least one or two of the first 10 amendments. Sad. Very sad. Thank you for your service, btw. That comes from folks who have also served. However, as we told your friend over on the FB page, having served in the military doesn’t excuse stupid comments or actions made during the remainder of your life. You will find relying on excuses like “I served in the military” or “I have dark skin” won’t work out too well for you. And we won’t even get into all that Occupy crap you were involved in. Whew!

    • All I can really say to all of this is wow! As a man who served with Ramon in Iraq, I believe I have great insight on his character. No better way to get to know a man then spend 15 months in a war torn environment. Now does Ramon have his flaws? Absolutely. So do I and everyone else. Does his outspoken outlook on life get him into confrontations? Sure. As a man of strong beliefs I think that is naturally bound to happen every so often. However, this website is an absolute profiling machine and feeds the fire of bigots and racists. The right to speak up for injustices as they are spotted has been well earned by Ramon…and this is one of those. While we didn’t always see eye to eye in every case, I’ve never had to question his credibility. If Caraballo says he and his wife have been racially profiled, along with this laughable website to add to it, then its pretty easy to see. One man comes out and admits he isn’t perfect and made/owned up to his mistakes…another group hides behind a computer and web page and smears individuals. Hmmm

    • He might have served, but I seriously doubt he did it “honorably”. I sense a lot of hostility and racism from this person.
      The fact that he keeps bringing up his military background for a puppet show speaks volumes about his character.

  11. Thank you for your service to !!! And you know how you said military service wont excuse you for a the dumb thing you say in life you remember that also !!!! Because your day will come main man !!! And dear lord liberal is a real mild term for me and ppl like me you better hope us “liberals” dont get tired of shouting loud and trying to get ppl to see what ppl like you for what they really are because if and when we do act it will be a sad day for ppl like you !!! Because ppl are getting smarter and they really are seeing ppl like you for what they really are and thats a bigot and a fascist and no one is going to stand for that !!!
    And as far as occupy goes it wasn’t stupid it just the start of an awakening of the young ppl in the world ppl like you are going to be irrelevant in a few years Americas turn to clean house is coming just like you see it happening all over the world and the great part about it is is that ppl like you will be the first to go so yeah I guess practice hiding because you are going to be doing a lot of it

    • Yeah, because your socialist views have proven to be so successful in governments all around the world. You are correct - people are getting smarter, which is why they are no longer intimidated by the socialist and racist tactics you folks employ. Ask Dot Scott how that’s working out for her these days.

      Are there actual instances of racism? Sure there are. Unfortunately, when you cry racism for every single thing you quickly fade into irrelevancy because people stop listening. As a result, those legitimate cases of racism fall by the wayside.

      It is curious how “liberals” keep threatening revolution. No wonder they want to change the Constitution and take away the right of citizens to protect themselves. We have a strange feeling when the revolution starts it won’t turn out well for those folks.

  12. Me and this dumbass have 3 mutual friends on facebook.

  13. Me and this dumbass have 3 mutual friends on facebook.

  14. Im a firm believer in the second amendment the second protects the first man !!! Oh yeah but I know nothing of the constitution I fought for right ?!?!?

    • Keep up the puppet show about reminding us constantly how you “served” in the military.

  15. Im a firm believer in the second amendment the second protects the first man !!! Oh yeah but I know nothing of the constitution I fought for right ?!?!?

    • Keep up the puppet show about reminding us constantly how you “served” in the military.

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