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Exposing the criminal element for 3 years

Video Day


A number of citizens have forwarded us some videos they have found in their travels through Thugbook. We thought we would declare today “Video Day” and put them all up for you to see.


The first video comes to us from North Charleston. The Florida Avenue & Eubank Street area of Chicora-Cherokee to be exact. This is said to be a fight between someone known as “Apple” and someone known as “Shark”. Apple is the big guy who ends up whipping Shark’s ass until Shark’s buddies jump in with belts, bricks, fists and feet. We are told this fight led to someone getting shot later.

Someone might want to tell the Charleston County School District students in the video that “N” word is frowned upon and will get you suspended and your graduation and birthday will get taken away. Wait…what? That only happens to white students quoting rap lyrics on Twitter? Oh, okay.








Next up is a video said to come from James Island after the closing of a secret underground (read: not licensed) club. We see this kind of violence in gas station parking lots quite frequently after these problem clubs close. Quite a few of the shooting incidents in the Lowcountry are a direct result of this type of stuff. As you can say, there is no prohibition against males attacking females.







Our last video shows recent George Bennett, a drug dealer recently murdered in Charleston, displaying some of his wares.







Well, that’s it for the video break. Back to the regularly scheduled Lowcountry crime and corruption.






  1. This is straight up Fuckery. No one wants to be called an animal, but why do you get out of a car and start jumping up and down like a freakin idiot wanting to fight. AFTER AAL THIS PROTESTS AND THE “BLACK LIVES MATTER” BULLSHIT, WHY ISNT THE COMMUNITY RAISING HELL ABOUT THIS? HERE IS THE PROOF ON VIDEO. but everyone is hellbent over a cop wrongly killing someone who shouldnt have ran from him. this is something more important to dwell on because this is all over the community from the clubs to the streets…ignorant violence.

  2. Amazing. Really. How can anyone support this type of behavior? Black lives seem to only matter when evil whitey is the cause of their demise.

    The video of the gas station…my only thought is that there are more HIV/AIDS cases there than high school diplomas.

    I know it’s little out of the realm of this blog, but the HIV/AIDS crisis among SC’s African American population is plainly ignored by most of the typical news outlets. Those black lives are never talked about by the NAACP unless it’s in the context of somehow blaming whitey for the lack of condom usage in the black community.

    It’s easy to tell that all of the videos were recorded by black folks. They’re notorious for holding their cameras straight up to record. Widescreen? What’s that?

    And they need more “Worldstar” like Walken needs more cowbell!!! Where are the worldstar chants?

  3. Oh. My. God! Cavorting around like…animals. That is the only word that applies. People, what are you thinking?

  4. My very first thought of the first video was - Why did that woman take her shirt and bra off? Oh wait, that’s a MAN? I think. Is that a man?

  5. The dude with the floppy boobs has to ‘fight’ while holding his pants up. Do they have any idea how ignorant they look and act? And isn’t it nice to see that many of these ingrates are so nicely overfed-likely from the generosity of the EBT we provide. You’re welcome…

  6. We have this seemingly modern, normal and well-functioning society here in the Charleston area.

    EXCEPT for this subcategory, who live in our many nearby ghettos and subsist mostly on handouts from the federal government, paid for by taxes on our lawful earnings.

    They appear to be de-evolving to a simian state.

  7. Johns, not James. I was confused at first since there isn’t a circle K on James but at the end the guy recording it says Johns.

  8. Glad I left that trash behind. My life is so much better now. Sad to see people celebrating this garbage.

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