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Exposing the criminal element for 3 years

Catch 22


As we watch the news and ridiculous commentary coming out of Ferguson, Missouri we can’t help but notice the catch-22 set for police. You younger folks might want to look up that reference.

After police responded to the liberation of multiple pairs of racially oppressed Air Jordans, hair extensions and Little Debbie snack cakes in the August riots in Ferguson we were treated to tales of how intimidating those cops were while dressed in their protective gear and carrying firearms. The uninformed public whined and cried about police taking steps to protect themselves and their efforts to protect the lives and property of others. Their uniforms “incited” the crowds to burn and steal stuff in August. “Militarization of police” was decried as unnecessary.

Heck, even a recent North Charleston murder victim publicly declared the police were too well protected by their armored vehicles, body armor and weapons shortly before giving them his address and inviting them over for a gunfight.

We were exposed to months of “news” reports and commentary from people having absolutely zero experience wearing a badge, enforcing a law or even engaging in a sissified slap fight. Those people told us the police in Ferguson were way to “aggressive” and “mean looking”. Cops were criticized for doing their job. The same job they are expected to do everyday by the taxpayers who fund those agencies. Police in Missouri were finally exposed to the widely accepted view that black folks should be excused when they commit a crime. Citizens of Charleston, South Carolina have been exposed to that view a few times in the recent past thanks to Dot “it’s a badge of honor to kill a nigger” Scott and the NAACP.

Everyone in the country knew what the final verdict in this case would be given the evidence available and that dug up by sites like CTL and The Conservative Treehouse who did an excellent job of exposing a number of facts which proved to be quite inconvenient for the race hustlers. The “protesters” and rioters knew what the verdict would be. They counted on it. That’s why they ran a blitz in the liberal media to intimidate politicians and police administrators into acquiescing to the planned violence. Convincing the libtard politicians in Missouri to stand down was not that hard to do. The violence in Ferguson is exactly what they wanted.

The politicians who base everything on race (definition of racism), known as the Congressional Black Caucus, even issued a statement on the grand jury decision without bothering to review the evidence. That statement was designed to inflame the rioters, to wit, “You may kill black men….without consequences.” Of course, we are aware of quite a few black men who have been killed without consequence. Racist groups like the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus choose to ignore those black men, however. Why? Because they were killed in the current orgy of black on black violence and it wouldn’t support their racist agenda of stirring up the uninformed black voter who punches a ballot based solely on skin color. Gotta stay in office somehow, right?

Curiously, we don’t see any local protests over the consequence free murder of Ariel Morgan. No hair extensions are being liberated from their entrepreneurial white and Asian oppressors in a cry for justice for Ariel. None of those Air Jordans are being worn down on the asphalt in a march to demand justice for Ariel.

Even SC Senator Tim Scott, a black conservative, felt it necessary to issue a statement expressing sympathy for the people of Ferguson and the family mourning the death of a violent thug. This dark skinned darling of the conservative movement conspicuously omitted something from his statement. What was missing, you ask? See if you can figure it out.


…I encourage the public to allow a thoughtful and thorough search for justice and truth for the Brown family and the community of Ferguson…


We find it interesting that Sen. Scott failed to even peripherally mention or express sympathy with Darren Wilson or his family. Do you remember Darren Wilson, Sen. Scott? He is the officer who was the victim in this case. He is the officer who was assaulted by the violent thug who tried to get control of the officer’s weapon. He is the officer who has been subjected to death threats since day one and has had a bounty placed on his head by a number of racist black organizations. Another inconvenient member of the Fact Family you politicians and law enforcement administrators refuse to acknowledge, investigate or prosecute. What would have happened if a racist white organization had placed a bounty on the head of a black person? What about the Wilson family, Sen. Scott? The family having to live in hiding due to death threats against them from racist black folks?

How convenient of Sen. Scott to forget to publicly express his sympathy for the Wilsons while attempting to commune with the family of the dead thug and the rioters with armloads of Ciroc. Maybe Sen. Scott can enlighten his constituents on why he pointedly chose to swerve around those issues and conceal any sympathy he might be feeling for the Wilson family. Why did Sen. Scott exclude Officer Wilson and his family when naming those he thought were deserving of a “thorough search for justice and truth”. Of course, we all know the reason. Even a black conservative who was shunned by the racists in the Congressional Black Caucus as an “Uncle Tom” feels the need to avoid sympathizing with a white police officer who lawfully defended himself against a violent black thug. Even Sen. Scott feels the need to cater racists who will never, ever, not in a million years, cast a vote for him.

A politician is just a politician, after all.

Since the decision was handed down at 9 p.m. Monday night (yeah, you have to question the wisdom of that tactical decision) the police have been doing what the racists were demanding they do in August - stand by and give the thugs, hoodrats, racists and the criminally inclined free reign to do as they please. They asked for it, nay, demanded it. Now they have it. Guess what?  Catch 22 for the police.

Now the racist police are not doing enough to defend and protect the black community being burned down and looted by black thugs. You asked for it, you got it.

Now the racist police are not doing enough to protect and defend all of those white libtard reporters catching rocks with their heads and getting the snot beaten out of them by racist black thugs. You asked for it, you got it.

Shots are being fired several blocks away while reporters run away screaming and the racist police are not charging in to find out if any black folks are being shot by other black folks. You asked for it, you got it.

The racist police are just standing around while business owners who chose not to board up are losing everything to theft and flames. Those business owners thought painting a pair of black hands on their windows to show their support of the thugs and criminals would serve as a magical spell and protect them from loss. Yeah, not so much. You asked for it, you got it.

We were watching the news last night and had to laugh when we saw the local McDonalds restaurant catching hell. It looks like their 365black scheme to cater to the black community didn’t serve them very well. We won’t even get into the racist implications of that promotion. You asked for it, you got it.


We wish we could spend the whole day watching this and writing about it, but we actually have jobs. More later.




  1. Do not always agree with Mr. Nugent - but he is spot on here:

    Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America- Don’t let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don’t preach your racist bullshit “no justice no peace” as blabbered by Obama’s racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don’t attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta assholes you hang with & look up to. It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you fuckin idiots. Drive safely.

  2. Do not always agree with Mr. Nugent - but he is spot on here:

    Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America- Don’t let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don’t preach your racist bullshit “no justice no peace” as blabbered by Obama’s racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don’t attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta assholes you hang with & look up to. It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you fuckin idiots. Drive safely.

  3. Seems like they started to loot the McDonalds and then realized there weren’t going to be any cooked burgers. Nothing to steal so they went next door and looted the liquor store, because you know, stealing liquor is a great way to protest and get people to listen to what you have to say.

  4. Seems like they started to loot the McDonalds and then realized there weren’t going to be any cooked burgers. Nothing to steal so they went next door and looted the liquor store, because you know, stealing liquor is a great way to protest and get people to listen to what you have to say.

  5. I was raised not to steal and to respect police. The only time I have spoken to an officer is when I got pulled over for speeding. (My fault) Some would say it’s because I am white, but I think it’s because my parents raised me not to steal and obey the law.

    They also raised me to work! So while everyone in Ferguson list their mind, I was laying in bed watching the news, because I have to work the next day.

    So to MB parents, let’s just be real, you failed at parenting 101, don’t blame the man who actually was doing his job. If MB had a job he wouldn’t have been stealing like .99 worth of blunts.

  6. I was raised not to steal and to respect police. The only time I have spoken to an officer is when I got pulled over for speeding. (My fault) Some would say it’s because I am white, but I think it’s because my parents raised me not to steal and obey the law.

    They also raised me to work! So while everyone in Ferguson list their mind, I was laying in bed watching the news, because I have to work the next day.

    So to MB parents, let’s just be real, you failed at parenting 101, don’t blame the man who actually was doing his job. If MB had a job he wouldn’t have been stealing like .99 worth of blunts.

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